About Tamar

Sacred Sexuality coach, tantric bodyworker, ceremonialist & multi-disciplinary artist, Tamar is devoted to awakening through the body and guiding her clients into a deeper connection with self, spirit & the world around them.

My healing journey started 11 years ago, the moment I decided to choose Life.

After recovering from the depression that had dominated my early adulthood, I made a promise to myself, that I would never hurt myself again. I started slowly, but my commitment to healing deepened profoundly as I steadily purged my life of anything that didn’t feel aligned with my depth - the part I had tried to ignore for so long.

I finally understood that there was nothing wrong with me, I was just a deeply feeling individual in a de-sensitised society. It felt overwhelming but somehow I knew I wasn’t alone in this realisation. My clients now are often deeply feeling, highly sensitive individuals.

I left city life behind with no idea what I was looking for, but complete faith that I would somehow find it. Living in a community & having a real connection with nature and the earth for the first time in my life, I had a spiritual-sexual awakening that blew my heart and my mind open in a way I could never have imagined. During this time, I found myself having spontaneous sexual healing experiences and past-life memories of temple arts.

This awakening led me to start living in an ashram. Through meditation, rebirthing breathwork, embodiment work & other transformational practices, I found the courage to visit the darkest parts of my inner world. Within the community, I continued my private enquiry into the meeting between consciousness & sexuality (both in celibacy and with others). In this space where spirituality was nurtured, I eventually blossomed into becoming a space holder for the community and visitors who were on their healing journey.

After two years of living in a spiritual community, equipped with healing tools & modalities to support myself and others on the path, I left to study what I knew was my path, sacred sexuality & tantra.

Since then, I’ve travelled the world, training extensively with world-class teachers in the fields of neo-tantra, conscious sexuality, feminine embodiment & healing.

I’ve facilitated healing sessions & ceremonies for groups and individuals internationally for the past 5 years and currently offer in-person and online private sessions in London & around the world.


  • Tantric Mystic Massage - Professional training (200hrs)

  • Advanced Sexuality Practitioner Training graduate & assistant

  • Tantric Body De-armouring professional training

  • Spiritual Sexual Shamanic graduate & assistant

  • Rebirthing Breathwork Practitioner - professional training

  • Auric Field Regeneration (energy healing) professional training

  • Sacred Dance & Feminine Temple Arts - 2 months training

  • Meditation Facilitator

Unveiling the Mystery

The dance of the veils...

One of our gifts as Tantrikas is to help others fall in love with life again.

Life can become a burden.

It can become heavy with suffering.

The Tantrika, the devadasi, the dakini...

is She who dances with life in a way that invites others back into the dance.

She brings grace, gentleness, mystery, sensuality, pleasure & other transmissions of delight that seduce the other back into life.

This is her healing and her gift.

She reminds others of the love that is in and through everything.


I’m created from the ecstasy of Love and when I die, my essence will be released like the scent of crushed rose petals

- Rumi