Code of Ethics
As a tantric bodyworker and facilitator, I am committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity, safety, and professionalism in all client-practitioner relationships. This Code of Ethics reflects my dedication to fostering trust, respect, and transparency in every interaction.
My Commitments to You
1. Safety and Boundaries
I uphold a safe, non-judgmental space for exploration, healing, and growth.
All client-practitioner relationships remain professional and platonic.
Dual relationships (e.g., personal and professional) are avoided unless explicitly agreed upon beforehand.
I maintain clear and consistent boundaries to protect both parties from conflicts of interest.
2. Transparency and Consent
I ensure informed consent throughout each session, explaining practices and ensuring your understanding and comfort.
My marketing reflects my training, skillset, and offerings honestly, without coercion or pressure sales tactics.
I am upfront about the scope of my work, including areas where I am still developing or lack expertise.
3. Professional Growth
I commit to ongoing education, personal development, and professional supervision to enhance my knowledge and skills.
I practice self-reflection and humility, recognizing where I can grow and improve.
4. Awareness of Systemic Trauma
I approach each client with an understanding of systemic and societal influences on individual struggles.
I aim to empower you to see your challenges within the broader context of the world we live in.
In the Event of Relational Rupture
If challenges or misunderstandings arise during our work together, I will:
Create opportunities for open communication and repair.
Take accountability for my actions or mistakes.
Respond with empathy and humility, meeting you where you are.
Avoid blaming or shaming, even in the presence of transference or projection.
Seek external mediation if necessary, with costs shared equally between us.
Reporting an Incident
I strive to cultivate a culture of care that respects and supports clear communication and consent. If any harm occurs during our work together, I encourage you to voice your concerns, and I commit to listening and taking them seriously.
To report an incident or grievance, please reach out via this form
Before We Begin
Before entering into a working relationship, I will:
Share my experience, training, and the areas where I may lack expertise.
Discuss the anticipated duration of our work together and suggest alternatives if I believe another modality may better serve your needs.
Clearly outline my fees and cancellation policies.
Explain your right to terminate sessions at any time, including any financial obligations that may apply.
Reserve the right to terminate sessions if I feel the work is not beneficial to you or if my safety is at risk.
Provide clarity about the scope of my support, including the availability of support between sessions.