Tantric Bodywork & Yoni Massage London

Rediscover Your Feminine Essence through Bodywork. Start your Tantric Journey Now

Slip into a parallel dimension… the temple. A sanctuary of womanhood, where the divine feminine within you is honoured. Your senses tantalised, body pampered, and mind eased.

Tantra Bodywork for Women

  • Yoni Massage London

    Tantric Yoni Massage

    Yoni massage focuses on circulating the flow of sexual energy in the body for healing purposes, celebrating & honouring your divine feminine vessel. It offers the exquisite transmission of conscious touch - combining ancient healing techniques with meditation. It works on a body, mind, and soul level: helping you reach a state of meditation, relaxing and exciting your body, raising sexual energy, releasing karmic imprints, & supporting you to experience expanded bliss states. Book experience Tantric Yoni Massage - 3hrs/4hrs

  • De-armouring


    Very powerful non-intimate bodywork for releasing stress, tension & energetic emotional blockages. Helps with becoming multi-orgasmic, increases erotic energy flow in the body. Aids spiritual journey. Clients leave feeling kgs lighter, liberated, empowered and on usually cloud nine, with effects lasting far beyond the session.
Learn more about de-armouring here.

    2hrs /3hrs

  • Taoist Tantric Massage

    Taoist Tantric Massage

    Experience the wisdom of ancient Chinese medicine with a Taoist Tantra Massage. The Taoist tradition focuses on utilising sexual energy to enhance health & vitality. Balances the yin & yang (or masculine & feminine) energies in the body. It is holistic, and brings the whole system into balance, creating a harmonising, healing and relaxing effect. 3hrs

Tantric Yoni Massage Is:


For the woman who longs to awaken her feminine energy

To deeply root into her wild oceanic essence

Return home to her body

& Remember the exquisite honour & pleasure of being

What I Wish All Women Knew About Yoni Massage

As a trained tantra massage professional with five years of full-time experience, I have insights to share about intimate bodywork.

Let's ruffle some feathers: Yoni massage is often seen as an exciting experience to check off a list. Most people try it as a one-off session, but this approach is flawed, regardless of the session length.

Our psycho-erotic histories are tender and complex. Working on intimate issues with a practitioner requires tremendous courage and trust. Groundwork is essential before intimate internal bodywork, which is why I don’t recommend single sessions. The only exceptions I've made were for close sisters who are tantra teachers themselves.

Other types of tantra massage for women include intimate touch without internal work. When I do internal work with women, it's always preceded by other types of tantric bodywork, massage, coaching, and support. More preparation leads to maximum benefit from yoni massage. You can learn more about my signature tantra offering for women here.

Private feminine embodiment

1-day retreats

For the woman who wants to pamper herself and go all in on her healing, this offering is for one day one-on-one in London with Tamar. She will offer a selection of practices & experiences tailored to you to help you drop deeper into your nourished & erotically alive feminine energy,

A day together might look like…

☥ tantric bodywork session

☥ private blue lotus ceremony

☥ womb work & coaching / feminine embodiment practice

Enquire for pricing