de-armouring london

Work on feelings & blockages in the session

Tantric De-armouring London

Many spiritual and religious traditions have advocated denying, escaping or somehow transcending the body to gain spiritual altitude. But what if the body itself is a gateway to higher consciousness – and sexual energy is a conduit for spiritual bliss, abundance, and prosperity?


During a series of Tantric Body De-armouring (TBD) sessions, you will be introduced to the keys for illuminating your own vibrational frequency so you can step into the joy of awakened, embodied being. In a safe, supportive environment, you can literally set yourself free of the armour that forms as tension and stress in the body, and begin to experience the ecstatic, creative power of your own unbounded energy.

Tantric Body De-armouring (TBD or de-armouring) enables us to let go of holding patterns that lower our vibrational frequency and stand in the way of our full participation and enjoyment of life. 

These holding patterns are composed of unresolved sexual stress, corresponding emotional imbalances, and the physical tensions these create. 

Many people unknowingly carry these limitations throughout their lives while wondering why they are so difficult to move beyond. 

Tantric De-armouring offers a simple solution to transcend the old cycle of constantly having to ‘heal ourselves’.

The receiver comes to a de-armouring session because they have the desire to release tension out of their body—and therefore to release patterns of thought and behaviour that don’t serve them any longer. The modality is cathartic in nature, so involves emotional release and is purifying & cleansing for body, mind and spirit.

It is essential that at the beginning of a session both the giver and receiver know what the limits and agreements for the session are. This includes what both the giver and receiver are willing to experience during the session, based on their intentional desire to release suppressed emotions and body tension.

 During the session, you will be guided to use breath, sound, and movement to support your body release physical and emotional stress.

Tantric practices are a pathway not only to sexual ecstasy and spiritual growth but also to health, relationship vitality, and life purpose. In our time together, we will prepare our bodies and nervous systems to generate high-vibrational bliss states as a platform for our bliss – and for accessing expanded states of consciousness.
Be mentored by London’s finest tantra practitioner.

This will support participants in letting go of victim consciousness and releasing stuck patterns – thereby up-levelling brain chemistry and awakening dormant cognitive and intuitive capacities. 
Contact Tamar in London and start your session.

Discover the Essence of Tantra: A Journey to Inner Harmony and Connection.
Where to Find
London Tantra Site


  • Given the transformative nature of TBD, it’s highly recommended that a receiver is prepared to have a series of sessions usually between 3 to 7 sessions. (this may vary). One session alone will be impactful, but a series is required for deep & lasting change.

  • The first session is usually 3 hours long, with an hour at the start for me to understand more about what you want to learn on and prepare you to receive the bodywork.

    Future sessions following will be around 2 hours.

  • In short - every part. Emotional repression works such as its stored anywhere where the body chose to store it in the moment of happening, trauma or tension.

    With your consent only, we will release points on your face, neck, chest & torso. Some points may not be suitable for certain people due to injury. More advanced sessions might include inside the mouth & genitals.

    All beings can benefit from both external and internal de-armoring. Men can store a lot of fear and shame in the anus. Women can store a whole range of emotions in their vagina, cervix and womb, from unwanted sex (even the slightest compromise before intercourse can create armor), abortions, rape, abuse, birth control devices — you name it.

  • Before the de-armouring session, it is recommended to not eat anything for at least 2 hours before the session begins, and to drink lots of water after to ease the detox process which occurs naturally after each session.

  • A session can be like a full body-mind-spirit detox and although you will be physically capable to do whatever you choose (there won’t be residual pain after the session), it’s highly recommended to allow yourself the rest of the day to rest, journal and integrate your experience.

    Following a de-armouring session, your state of consciousness might be altered, so it’s better not to have other plans with other people or return to work.

    Often, receivers are surprised by the impact of the session and find that they need time to themselves after.

Learn about the state of surrender, how to choose boundaries that serve you, and transmute challenge into bliss.

An extract from The Embodied Mystic Podcast Episode 8 ‘Surrender:: a feminine master code & three powerful modalities that cultivate our capacity for letting go’

The armour is a result of blockages created by trauma, tension, thought patterns and the experiences we were not able to fully metabolise in the moment, because we didn’t have the capacity at the time.

This armour can hinder life force from flowing freely throughout the body. It hardens and desensitises the physical body, and because of emotions locked inside, it can also cloud the mind and make it difficult to navigate through life. 

De-armouring is also a deep practice to liberation, we can also call it the path of enlightenment. The more you learn to meet yourself, pain and pleasure. Yes, pleasure is equally difficult for us as pain. The more we practice to release, the deeper in contact we come with true joy, intuition and a sense of aliveness from deep within. These experiences tend to be so nourishing that we rather face all challenges to live more freely and in true purpose.

That means, also to free ourselves from troubling thought patterns, cultural/social programming, family genetics, religious beliefs etc. All matters that keep us armoured and chained to formation often keep us playing small, controlled through fear and survival. Now, we live in very privileged times and have no need for the reptile brain to protect us in the same way it did thousands of years ago when our survival was constantly at stake. It’s a primal instinct that runs the show.