How a healer is born

When you become a sanctuary for your own soul, naturally you become that for others too.

Healers are birthed through their own path of healing. They pass through gates upon gates of initiation, burning in the fire of their process, which at times is relentless.

Holding their own hand through heartbreak & sleepless nights.

Loving themselves through hard decisions, choosing the unknown when it goes completely against the grain of their pattern.

Slowly nursing themselves back into the dance of life when hope has been lost in the world.

A healer is one who will love you in your tears, your rage.

Who will hold you in some of the darkest places you’ve ever known and witness you in serenity & compassion.

Why? Because we know.
How? Because we’ve been there.

We are not afraid of insanity.
Not yours & not ours.

Because sometimes, what looks like insanity is the most sane thing there is.


🌙 || The Enchantress Archetype || 🌙


Meeting the Divine Masculine - in all men