Your favourite podcast episodes! 🏆

Here’s the roundup of the top 3 episodes, as of april 2023, shared in order of popularity. Thank you for listening! If you received something from these episodes, I would love if you 🤍left a review for the podcast🤍. This makes it possible for more people to find the show and me, and allows me to continue putting my energy into its creation. Big hug 🫶🏽

This is our first episode and we’re kicking things off by exploring one of my personal foundations for embodied mysticism - living life from the soul. In this episode, I break down my five key pillars to soulful living. Pretty Bali nature sounds included.

Time Stamps

✧ An experiment for you: (06:25)

✧ Why live with soul?: (08:24)

✧ Nourishing our depth: (10:34)

✧ The importance of silence: (12:55)

✧ The sacredness of a spacious start to the day: (19:22)

✧ Authenticity is a moving target: (23:58)

✧ Knowing how much of yourself to share, when and with whom: (26:12)

✧ One of the most precious things we can do in this lifetime is to bring our gifts: (32:42)

✧ Living our purpose as an offering of love: (33:06)

✧ You don’t need to share your art with anyone, here’s why: (34:25)

✧ Being here on earth and not trying to transcend our experience: (44:01)

✧ Stay in the field of those who inspire you: (48:17)

In the Conscious Mama Conversations, I interview embodied mystics who have made the transition from maiden to mother about their experience, from a spiritual perspective. At the time of recording, feminine embodiment teacher Jelena is 5.5 months postpartum in Egypt.

In this episode we discuss:

🐚 Choosing a natural home birth

🐚 The role plant medicine played in the conception & birth of Juno

🐚 Seeing birth as a spiritual initiation

🐚 Discovering her pregnancy through dream

🐚 The necessity of ancestral lineage work

🐚 Communicating with the soul of the child around important decisions

🐚 Ecstatic birthing - What is ecstasy and what part does it play in birth?

🐚 How giving birth healed her own birth story

🐚 De-conditioning the womb space

🐚 Owning the desire for motherhood and empowering ourselves by making a decision about what we want

🐚 How Jelena’s sense of embodiment has changed since becoming a mother

In this solo episode, we dive into the nitty-gritty of how I define having sex vs. making love.

We explore what are the foundations create a sacred sexual experience and highlight some places where we may be hindering ourselves from deepening in our intimate connections.

We dive into the healing and spiritual benefits of sacred sexuality and how we can create soulmate connections through sexual union.

I address how singles can become iniatresses, bringing more depth into the bedroom and how conscious intimate experiences are accessible for all of us.

There are a few storytime moments, I spill some beans about my first experience of making love and another story from my teenage years.


✧ A note on terminology and the cringe of ‘making love’ : (02:06)

✧ If you’re struggling to drop into your erotic flow: (16.43)

✧ The Sexual Ego: (25.53)

✧ Having sex to get love: (27.31)

✧ How I define making love: (36.15)

✧ Going in with an open heart and what that means: (38:44)

✧ What if my partner doesn’t want to try this? (44:01)

✧ For my fellow singles: (45:15)

✧ A story about a pivotal reframe moment around sex from my teenage years: (48:05)

✧ The healing & spiritual benefits of love-making: (52:20)

✧ Why I am deeply passionate about this topic: (54:04)

✧ Re-imprinting our wombs & being with sacredness: (55:18)

✧ Creating our soulmates: (56:22)

✧ My first love-making experience and why I freaked TF out: (1:01:10)

✧ How love reveals our blocks & heals us: (1:05:55)


Dating Pep Talk || Own your hotness, girl! Mindsets for Confidence, Self-Worth & Magnetism


Surrender:: a Feminine Master Code & three powerful modalities that cultivate our capacity to let go with grace