The Womb/Throat Connection & How to Unlock Your Voice with Kreatress

In this episode, Tamar invites vocal alchemist & witchy sister, Kristen Meyers aka Kreatress, on to The Embodied Mystic podcast to learn how we can access more pleasure, creativity & power though our voice. We explore the sacred geometry of the female body through the throat-pelvic symmetry and how working with the voice can help us become more embodied & brave in our soul expression.

We talk about:

  • Kristen’s journey with voice & womb work

  • How a blocked voice (throat chakra) shows up in your life

  • Releasing tension through the voice

  • Working with our feminine creation portals:  voice & womb

  • Experience over science

  • How pleasure impacts our voice

  • Voice as a foundational pillar for tantric work

  • Working with our breath

  • Why our voice is directly linked to our power

  • Working with our creativity

  • Speaking our truth on behalf of our ancestors

Check out the womb-pelvis diagram here ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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Kristen Meyers AKA Kreatress is a Vocal Alchemist, Performance Witch, and Sound Oracle. She received her Bachelors and Masters of Music in Voice in the USA and has been working 1:1 & with groups of people for 10+ years. Her medicine is shared through being in service to the voice as she truly believes it is a master key to unlocking the doors of our internal world. The voice connects us to our emotions, to the stories we tell ourselves, to our personalities, our creativity, our intuition, our relationships, our pleasure and desires, and the way we live and move in the world. The voice is the portal of expression. And Kristen's soul mission is to honour this unique journey of remembrance and reclamation.


🌹 Kreatress IG

Tamar Raphael is an initiatress on the path of feminine embodiment & mystery teachings. Sacred sexuality facilitator, tantric bodyworker, ceremonialist & artist, she is devoted to awakening through the body and guiding others into a deeper connection with self, spirit & the world around them. Inspired by the feminine temple arts, her work seamlessly weaves erotic and spiritual, and calls for a remembrance of our wild, devotional essence.

She offers tantric mentorship to men & women, supporting them to come into deeper alignment & embodiment through tantric de-armouring, spiritual practice, healing ceremony & rebirthing breathwork. She works in private sessions & VIP retreats online and in-person internationally.


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