When you stop having sex and start making love

You understand why some people choose to ditch fast food, switch to organic & start taking what they put in their bodies MUCH more seriously.

I was celibate for over a year when I first made that shift.

It changed EVERYTHING.

I had tasted something truly extraordinary.

Sex went from something at worst to be endured, at best, some pleasure but mostly attention & validation from my partner…

To a meeting with the divine.

An understanding of why we are given these vessels in the first place.

Sexuality became exquisite.

It stripped me of my defences and showed me what love is.

I was not about to go back to fast food sex.

My standards had elevated - and holding those standards changed my life forever.

Fast forward 4 years, and my standards keep getting higher.

Not only do I insist on & actively co-create exquisite love-making, I am completely uninterested in casual loverships, push/pull dynamics & anything that dishonours my heart in any shape or form.

That’s right, I want it all.

And I will have it.

Refusing to settle for less than gold standard means getting veryyyyy comfortable with my aloneness.

The depth of my heart’s longing.

My desire to be claimed.

Containing & channelling my potent sexual energy.

Sitting with it.

Marinading in it.

It calls for clarity.

Powerful boundaries & high levels of personal integrity.

A high degree of intentionality around who I connect with, to what degree & why.

Fully feeling my desire


Reigning myself in when I get distracted, tempted by that which is not what I’m calling in - but is delicious.

I’m focused.

Diamonds don’t come everyday, baby.

And thank god for that.



How to Tap Into Goddess Energy || Laura Marianne Pickerill interviews Tamar Raphael


Devotional Frequency & worshipping the masculine