Rebirthing Breathwork
A breathwork ceremony & merging with the element of air, that takes us on a journey to meet the healer within.
A dance with duality,
yin & yang
light & dark
i n h a l e & e x h a l e
“Rebirthing Breathwork is a journey home to meet the most hidden parts within you.”
— Leonard Orr, Creator of Rebirthing
Rebirthing Breathwork is a healing modality that uses conscious connected breathing which induces deep relaxation and an expanded state of consciousness. The founder Leonard D. Orr developed and taught this method to be used in individual sessions with a trained Rebirthing Breathwork practitioner.
When the body feels safe, the mind feels safe. The presence of the facilitator adds another level of safety. The altered state of consciousness allows for a more expanded perspective with added objectivity and neutrality. This combination allows the person to feel safe enough so that unresolved emotions and memories come to the surface. Breathing moves energy and transforms whatever sensations and feelings arise. By the end of the session, most people experience deep peace, well-being and clarity.
Benefits of Rebirthing
Increased clarity, joy and vitality through releasing everyday stress and tension
Deep relaxation and calm
Nervous system regulation
Gentle yet powerful release of trauma and suppressed emotions that compromise health and hold us back
Understanding and releasing early childhood and birth imprints, patterns and memories
Deep insights and intuitive guidance from the inside
Connecting with the deepest parts of ourselves and the Divine - the Oneness experience
Moving through energetic and physical blocks
Accessing psychedelic states of consciouness, naturally
Liberating our breath from shallow, inhibited breathing patterns and utilising our full lung capacity
Super-oxygenating the body and alkalizing the blood
Yes, rebirthing works well with all other healing modalities. It is recommended to speak with your practitioners about the timing when scheduling different modalities.
For example you may not want to receive a rebirthing session the same day as acupuncture but may want to have a massage before or after. Healing sessions take different amounts of time to integrate.
Leonard Orr’s method of rebirthing teaches that ten sessions creates a complete cycle of healing for the receiver. Many practitioners will offer packages of ten + sessions, as well as solo sessions should you wish to try out the modality before committing.
Sessions are usually 2.5-3 hours long.
Their is an opening conversation, meditation, and the breathwork itself makes up 2 hours. There will be a grounding practice to complete the session.
Before the session, it is recommended to not eat anything for at least 2 hours before the session begins, and to drink lots of water after to ease the detox process which occurs naturally after each session.
It’s highly recommended to allow yourself a few hours to rest, journal and integrate your experience. Following a rebirhthing session, your state of consciousness might be altered, so it’s better not to have other plans with other people or return to work.
Leonard Orr taught the value of individual sessions, and that people need and deserve the focused attention that is provided in a one on one session. His style of rebirthing is strictly intended for the 1:1 session format.
Some people get value from groups and other people prefer individual sessions. It is a personal preference.
We recommend that beginners start with individual sessions because of the high-quality support and individual attention during the entire experience that is not possible in a group session.
In a huge group, your chances of being supported when you most need it are low, and this means at best you won’t experience the breakthrough you were on the way to reaching, and at worst, you have a bad experience that puts you off rebirthing completely.
The safest and most beneficial group sessions will have a high assistant-to-participant ratio, with assistants that are trained in rebirthing, to ensure everyone gets a high level of support.
Group sessions can be powerful, as the technique alone is.
Most people go deeper in a private session because of the safety that they feel having the full presence of the rebirthing practitioner, as well as not being distracted by other people’s process.
Tetany is a tingling or buzzing sensation that sometimes happens during a session. It is frequently felt in the hands and face but can be felt anywhere in the body. It can be an alarming experience, but it is completely safe and it always passes.
Leonard Orr, the creator of rebirthing said that it is stored tension being released from the body. It is not a necessary component of a successful session. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t.
Sometimes it is strong and causes the parts of the body to feel stuck while other times it is gentle and soft. The Breather is encouraged to relax into it and remember that it is temporary.
One-to-one breathwork session £550
Online session £500 (must have previous breathwork experience)
Private group session (up to 4 participants) £1000 total
Package of 10x one-to-one sessions £3500
The technique
First, you will find a comfortable position lying down.
The practitioner will guide you through a short meditation or preparation exercise, either sitting up or when you’ve already laid down.
You will be guided by your practitioner into the rebirthing breathing technique which is a form of circular breathing (illustrated below), breathing deeply & through the nose only. Other forms of rebirthing, not by Leonard Orr, breathe through the mouth but his method is nose breathing only, because of the benefits of this style of breath.
Remaining in this position, you will breathe in this way for the next 1-2+ hours, with the guidance and support of your practitioner through any difficulties that may arise.
Your practitioner will guide you to return to your normal breathing and keeping the eyes closed, there will be 15-20 minutes for rest & integration
Your practitioner will announce the end of the session and there will be time for de-briefing.
The benefits of nose breathing
Nose breathing (compared to mouth breathing) allows your nasal cavities to:
reduce exposure to foreign substances
humidify and warm inhaled air
increase air flow to arteries, veins, and nerves
increase oxygen uptake and circulation
slow down breathing
improve lung volume
help your diaphragm work properly
lower your risk of allergies and hay fever
reduce your risk of coughing
aid your immune system
lower your risk of snoring and sleep apnoea
support the correct formation of teeth and mouth
Contact Tamar directly to find out her availability in your location.