Yoni Massage & Bodywork

Slip into a parallel dimension… the temple. A sanctuary of womanhood, where the divine feminine within you is honoured. Your senses tantalised, body pampered, and mind eased.

Tantra Bodywork for Women

  • Tantric Massage (Yoni Massage)

    This massage focuses on circulating the flow of sexual energy in the body for healing purposes, celebrating & honouring your divine feminine vessel. It offers the exquisite transmission of conscious touch - combining ancient healing techniques with meditation. It works on a body, mind, soul level: helping you reach a state of meditation, relaxing and exciting your body, raising sexual energy, releasing karmic imprints, & supporting you to experience expanded bliss states. 3hrs £700

  • De-armouring

    Very powerful non-intimate bodywork for releasing stress, tension & energetic emotional blockages. Helps with becoming multi-orgasmic, increases erotic energy flow in the body. Aids spiritual journey. Clients leave feeling kgs lighter, liberated, empowered and on usually cloud nine, with effects lasting far beyond the session.
2hrs / 3hrs £450/550

  • Taoist Tantric Massage

    Taoist Massage

    Experience the wisdom of ancient Chinese medicine with a Taoist Tantra Massage. The Taoist tradition focuses on utilising sexual energy to enhance health & vitality. Balances the yin & yang (or masculine & feminine) energies in the body. It is holistic, and brings the whole system into balance, creating a harmonising, healing and relaxing effect. 3hrs £700

Yoni Massage Is:


For the woman who longs to awaken her feminine energy

To deeply root into her wild oceanic essence

Return home to her body

& Remember the exquisite honour & pleasure of being

Private feminine embodiment

1-day retreats

For the woman who wants to pamper herself and go all in on her healing, this offering is for one day one-on-one in London with Tamar. She will offer a selection of practices & experiences tailored to you to help you drop deeper into your nourished & erotically alive feminine energy,

A day together might look like…

☥ feminine embodiment session

☥ private blue lotus ceremony

☥ meditation

☥ womb work & coaching

☥ tantric bodywork session
