Embodied Leadership, Taking romantic relationship off the pedestal & the Dance of Masculine/Feminine energy

Join us for this conversation where we explore:

  • How we as women abandon ourselves to be chosen 

  • The way relationships are pedastalised 

  • ‘Calling in our king’ vs. every relationship is the real thing

  • The psychological component to embodiment  

  • Creating a culture of safety 

  • Vulnerable, imperfect leadership

  • Taking breaks from the spiritual community 

  • Why good men are terrified of leading with power and conviction in today’s world 

  • Masculine & Feminine energy 

  • Taking responsibility for our wounded feminine energy as women

  • The fear that comes up around penetrative energy and how that leads us to unconsciously choose femininised men

  • The feminine mysteries are there to be felt & revered - not understood. 

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Arielle Brown is guide, facilitator, and ceremonialist specializing in tantric leadership, embodied intimacy, and sacred sexuality. Her 1:1 client work and online group programs (including HOLY DESIRE and CHANNEL) address increasing needs for evolutionary approaches to love, sexuality, leadership, and community that facilitate power-WITH models of relating rooted in remembering our innocence, wholeness, and inherent connection to the Sacred.


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Tamar Raphael is an initiatress on the path of feminine embodiment & mystery teachings. Sacred sexuality facilitator, tantric bodyworker, ceremonialist & artist, she is devoted to awakening through the body and guiding others into a deeper connection with self, spirit & the world around them. Inspired by the feminine temple arts, her work seamlessly weaves erotic and spiritual, and calls for a remembrance of our wild, devotional essence.

She offers tantric mentorship to men & women, supporting them to come into deeper alignment & embodiment through tantric de-armouring, spiritual practice, healing ceremony & rebirthing breathwork. She works in private sessions & VIP retreats online and in-person internationally.


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