How Impeccability with boundaries & standards deeply serves the feminine


If we want to wear the diamond of our hearts on our sleeve & bring our softness to connection, we’ve got to have clear AF standards and boundaries.

As a woman with a LOT of feminine energy, I can say that having veryyyy damn clear standards and boundaries makes my world of relating so much more peaceful & empowering.

Feeling protected by the calibre of our own boundary & standards upholding creates the SAFETY that our feminine needs for more of our softness to unfurl.

The thing is, trying to obtain safety solely from outside ourselves is to play a losing game.

Striving for impeccability with our boundaries around our heart creates a buffer of safety for our being to meet others from.

When I know I’ve got myself and I’m not out-sourcing my safety to you, I can meet you from a place of self-containment. My feminine energy is held, and not leaky.

Attempting to revealing our deep vulnerability without the protection of boundaries can become excruciating, and I would go as far to say masochistic.

Why should our softest, most tender, trembling feminine aspects show up if she is not fervently & honourably protected from harm?

Holding boundaries and standards around our worth & our heart is how our own inner masculine shows up for us.

This is the moment when the father kneels down to the little girl inside of you and tells her:

“Baby, don’t you ever let someone treat you in a way that makes you feel sad. Your heart is the most precious diamond. You deserve the world.”

We have to learn to be Daddy for ourselves.

(My fellow princesses in the house, take a moment to breathe & maybe also writhe around with this one)

I have spent *years* with this one.
We can’t out-source this job to anyone.

The healing that being impeccable with our standards brings feels like a miracle when we have spent years in the emotional rollercoaster of not truly honouring our heart in relationship.

I wish it for all of us.


Devotional Frequency & worshipping the masculine


the ‘too much’ women