the ‘too much’ women

We stand on this earth as activators of primal feminine magic 🩸⚡️

Devotion runs in our blood.

It shall not be sacrificed or abandoned amongst the ebb & flow of romance & relationship -

It is the air we breathe and who we are.

We do not hide or shut down the fullness of our heart and depth of our being.

This life is our eternal lover

And to life, we open.

We open wide, Earth as our witness.

We know we will be misunderstood & we accept our dharma is to be a lightning bolt of remembrance.

We pave the way for a new dawn of womanhood.

A womanhood awakening to the deep pleasure & honour it is to incarnate into a female body.

Dripping in her brilliance, radiance & turn on
Ecstasy - embodied.

Yes - we are the ‘too much’ women.

The wild women.
The muses.
The witches.

At home in our bodies.
Eyes ablaze.
Wildly, madly in love with this life.
Deeply alive, vibrating.
In service to something deeper than can ever be explained in words.

Standing fully in our power, beauty & grace.

Unafraid of being mistreated, abandoned or abused.


We have seduced life -

And life has seduced us back.


How Impeccability with boundaries & standards deeply serves the feminine


The Body Oracle 🔮