The Body Oracle 🔮

We came to this earth in a body.
The body is our vessel for this lifetime

When we are willing to go into the trenches of our in-the-body experiences and begin to digest what has taken place for us in this lifetime, in this body

We begin to slowly purify our channel & through this process

We discover our bodies as…
🪶A fail-proof road map
🪶An exquisitely tuned instrument
🪶A channel for psychic & cosmic wisdom to come through

The body was the first psychic channel I opened up to really trust. It didn’t happen overnight, but slowly I saw the value of what was coming through and learned that it was safe to trust what my body was saying.

Examples of things I regularly experience for context:

🔮 FEELING *the voice* of my yoni -
ie. she responds tangibly to different experiences that are completely unsxual in nature, yet she has something to say! 😂
She communicates through different sensations and based on the quality, I can recognise when she is nudging me in the direction of something that will benefit my soul growth.

🔮 I use my own body & felt experience as a trusted ally & reference point in my work with people, because I know that I tend to feel things within my own body & system that they may not yet be attuned to in their own.

So the sensations I feel (which could easily be ignored or written off) give me valuable clues in what’s simmering under the surface with a client in a session.

When we go at the pace of the body, we must sharpen our ability to listen.

It’s an inward listening, and being grounded in our sense of inner listening and attunement to ourself actually supports our ability to listen & attune to others.

We don’t just listen with our ears, we listen with our body. We pay attention to the subtleties of what we feel and gradually we learn to give those subtleties the importance that they deserve.

By becoming deeply rooted listeners - we become akin with the animal kingdom with their sharp sensing, trust in their instinct & nose for what is delicious & what is dangerous.

What is a truffle and what is just shit 💩

We learn how to sniff out all sorts of danger - most is not imminent life threatening danger, but the danger of straying from our path of embodying our deepest soul essence. 

Connecting with this depth of feeling & our instinctive animal nature is the ultimate domain of the feminine.

It is the refining of our in-body felt sense of life that activates & resurrects the body oracle 🔮

This is something that we ALL have access to - IF we’re willing to get down in the dirt.

We embody un-fuck-withable on a whole other level when we become team up with our bodies

Aka we TRUST what we feel. 

We deeply feel that our body is our ally & guardian.

AND **super important**

We can be as clear a channel as possible - meaning being able to discern what is our own emotional triggers & projections & genuine in opinionated guidance. 

Truly - the deep embodiment journey = all the badass priestess codes. 

Over time & trial & error of learning the ways of our own body, we come to realise that often there is no need for reason beyond what we feel. 

When we can finally trust our spidey senses 🕷 

We understand that the body oracle reigns supreme.

When the body speaks, she speaks. 

When we listen, we follow a guided path of protection & alignment with the earth.

When we override, there is always a price to pay.

Our ability to be in denial & lie to ourselves decreases as we continually witness the fallout when there is disparity between what our body said & our actions.

Its a wild paradox that in so much of spirituality, the body is denied and seen as the opposite of higher forms of wisdom and communing with the divine.

When the mystery of our own soma holds such potent spiritual gifts, not just for us, but also those we are in service to.

This is sxual-shamanic temple culture, embodied. 



the ‘too much’ women


Sensuality is the life-giving ambrosia of our body meeting this world