Sensuality is the life-giving ambrosia of our body meeting this world

It is the natural ‘reward’ you might say for getting stuck in the mud doing our deep somatic work.

It is a natural overflowing of joy and bliss
when we learn how to be truly present with ourselves & release the years of built-up tension & stagnant emotion.

We make space for more beauty & pleasure to inhabit our felt sense.

There comes a moment, a sweet moment of deep grace, where our body finally feels like the place when we want to be.

Side note: when I speak of pleasure, I am usually not referring to intense peak org*smic states, but instead, the shimmering, purring vibration of subtle ecstasy that is ALWAYS available to us

Yes, I mean it. Always.
Even when we are contracted AF.

However - it is *subtle*.

It’s not obvious & in your face, otherwise there would be no reason to share this.

For that reason, meditation is a necessity.
There is no tantra without meditation.

Carving out space stillness and quiet in our lives is essential, even if it’s just one tiny moment of returning to self in the hustle & bustle of all the everythingness.

Hearing the call of our inner voice is hard when there is noise to distract us.

Tuning into the realm of subtlety, of delicate sensation and energy flow becomes available when we are prepared to create the conditions that make it possible.

And when we are prepared to truly sit with ourselves and be…

Feel into what *is*

It might be slow, but eventually

We discover the natural radiance of being.

And we become it.


The Body Oracle 🔮


🌙 || The Enchantress Archetype || 🌙