The Cyclical Ways of Female Form with Elana-Karen Leopold

Oooof this was a spicy one! Full of raw, real embodied truths about women's cycles and what thriving health in a female body looks like with feminine practitioner & priestess Elana-Karen Leopold (and also my dear sister!). 

This one contains some potentially triggering topics, so our invitation is to keep breathing deeply, returning to self & asking what the feelings arising are revealing. We love you. 

Topics we cover:

🀍 How Elana came to work with blood mysteries fertility and cycle education

🀍 Moving beyond making our body right or wrong

🀍 How our cyclical nature connects us to earth & the universe

🀍 Seeing our bodies as something mystical vs. as something we’ve medicalised

🀍 Retaining body sovereignty on our health journey & taking our fertility back into our own hands

🀍 Learning to run the podcast in sync with my cycle

🀍 Loving all parts of our cycle (Elana coaches me) 

🀍 Fertility awareness method (FAM)

🀍 The Gynecosophia method (women’s wisdom)

🀍 The Gynecosophic wheel & 13 portals of feminine initiation

🀍 A holistic lens on egg freezing & hormonal birth control

🀍 Misconceptions around age & fertility rates

Resources we mention:

womb awakening - - truly, bible of the feminine

the fifth vital sign 

wild power

Elana-Karen Leopold teaches women how to take good care of themselves and the world.

She is One Who Accompanies: she offers full spectrum guidance as << teacher, coach, facilitator, priestess>> supporting women on their journey home to magic, soul and (earth) body. She teaches connection to and the language(s) of the body - nervous system regulation, somatic movement & embodiment - and feminine spirituality through the 13 portals of feminine initiation as mapped by the Wheel of Gynecosophia.

She walks  the path of the Wise Woman Tradition and work with the lineages of Gynecosophoa (Wholistic Women's Wisdom), Katonah Yoga & Feldenkrais Method, and is a FAM (Fertility Awareness Method) Educator. She considers ISTA & Zola Dubinkova among her influential teachers.

Elana’s site

Her IG @elanakarenleopold; 

Sovereign Cycles Course

Tamar Raphael is a sacred sexuality coach, tantric bodyworker, ceremonialist & artist devoted to awakening through the body and guiding others into a deeper connection with self, spirit & the world around us.

She offers tantric mentorship to men & women, supporting them to come into deeper alignment & embodiment through spiritual practice, healing ceremony, rebirthing breathwork & bodywork. She works in private sessions & VIP retreats online and internationally.

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