What is embodiment?

🪄Sexy spiritual buzzword of the moment 🪄

I see this term thrown around a lottttt especially in the space of femininity/coaching/tantra and truthfully, I don’t resonate with the way it is being used a lot of the time.

PSA: I might get a bit sassy with this one because I feel strongly and am approximately 1 day before moon time.

Embodiment is about the level to which we are PRESENT in our bodies on a moment to moment basis.

It is being in the meditation - not a detached sitting practice - but in the breathing, moving, sensing experience of life

Pet peeve alert:: Looking hot while dancing is NOT feminine embodiment. *unless* the dancer is deeply present in the body, sensing, feeling all of it, good/bad/awkward/ugly & responding.

Simply moving the body expressively /= embodiment

True embodiment is what happens when we deeply & continually show up to meet this fluctuating reality and all the pain & discomfort that brings - not just from our mind but connected to and from WITHIN the holding of our body.

Healing the nervous system MUST happen if we want to become more embodied.

It is trauma (held in the nervous system & tissues) that caused us to disassociate & leave our bodies in the first place.

And it is this trauma - whatever that may mean for you - that needs to be addressed, somatically.

We don’t need to know on a mental level or dive into the story of what happened to do powerful healing work with our bodies & NS.

Let me tell you - there is no authentic, grounded juicy tantric goddess deliciousness without *DEEP* connection to the earth, and for us that begins with our bodies. Our prima materia. The matter our souls chose to be born into.

Yoni eggs, sensual dance classes & being able to list all the feminine archetypes off the top of your head are all great - but they do not replace doing the nitty gritty, knees to the ground, day in day out WORK of coming back to self.

To me, they are amazing but *supplemental* on the tantric path, as opposed to somatic homecoming which is foundational.

Embodiment =
Becoming the safe haven for YOU.
Becoming the place that you always needed but did not have.

This is the what the true meaning of body temple is.

Having the foundation of safety rooted within your being, as the structural bones for sacredness & honouring to flourish & unfold.

Within the container of your own holding.

There is no quick-fix workshop that will land true embodiment.

There are guides who deeply & multidimensionally know this work who can support you

But there is no one on this planet who can do the work for you.

It is yours & yours alone.

This is a SLOW BURN.

Embodiment is earned gradually through your devotion to the journey.

Your kindness to self.

Your consistent presence & willingness to be a compassionate ear for all the voices inside.

Your genuine love.

When you are a sanctuary for your own soul, you naturally become that for others.

And so beautifully - it’s not something they THINK about you.

You in your embodiment is FELT.
Your embodiment invites others into their embodiment. Naturally.



You will not transform every single dysfunctional pattern you have in this lifetime.


3 ways to create emotional intimacy