You will not transform every single dysfunctional pattern you have in this lifetime.

You are destined to repeat cycles until your lessons are learned, embodied & transcended’
- @deltavenus


And **We will not transform every👏🏽 single 👏🏽dysfunctional pattern we have in this lifetime**

If you are a type A personality (hi) who gets an energetic boner from thoroughness and box checking, this one’s extra relevant for you.

Getting stuck on the hamster wheel of constant self-improvement is an almost inevitable trap on the spiritual path.

This mindset masquerades as devotion to truth but is actually thinly-veiled self-loathing and a perpetual sense of not-enough-ness.

It’s the same corporate hustle culture mentality but this time, wearing yoga pants that have the universe on them.

The awakening journey is challenging as it is! We don’t need to also start picking up the things that hurt like a stick and beating ourselves with them.

(I’ve been doing this my whole life)

If we want to be in it for the long game, we’ve got to learn to hold what our awareness picks up with a sense of lightness and an understanding that not everything is ours to fix.

In fact, nothing needs fixing.

(not even you, hyper-critical, judgemental part of my ego who uses spirituality and healing as a front for your agenda to be perfect, once and for all)

Our souls came into this lifetime with themes to work with

& a *few* core lessons to learn.

These are big ones.

If we’re on a spiritual path & actively doing inner work, we have maybe a couple of deeply engrained patterns that we might overcome in this lifetime.

If we manage to overcome just ONE, it’s like a whole chorus of our angels and guides are skipping around us, clapping cymbals, setting off fireworks & lighting fat ones.

Just one!!!

This is deeeeeep work.

We will always be both a masterpiece and a work in progress.

(I forgot who this quote is from, but isn’t it gorgeous?)

The work is never done, and yet that doesn’t mean we should be grinding forever.


Setting boundaries with grace


What is embodiment?