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Tantric Bodywork in London

I believe with every cell of my being that being a woman is one of the most delicious invitations & deepest honours that can be given to a soul coming to earth.

I want to see more women waking up to the magic of their being. The wisdom of their womb. The artistry of their movement. The power of their eroticism & the unique, immeasurable beauty that they already are.

In their own precious, one-of-a-kind, never to be repeated, god-given way.

I want this for all women, as soon as possible and I’m specifically hungry to feel more young women drunk in self-adoration and honouring the divine feminine within.

Not waiting until they’re older to stop caring about their body hang ups and realising how gorgeous they have always been.

But discovering their inner radiance NOW so they can enjoy all the gift their youth has to offer.

You are soulful, sacred, a masterpiece & a work of art all at the same time.

You are magic on legs.

That fresh coffee with a view, just had 3 orgasms kind of magic.

I’m here to help you mine for the gold within you that is aching to be discovered and broken open so that it may bless the world

To refine, tune & amplify your specific frequency of divine feminine energy like a giant quartz crystal.


Tantric practices are a pathway not only to sexual ecstasy and spiritual growth but also to health, relationship vitality, and life purpose.

Slip into a parallel dimension… the temple. A sanctuary of womanhood, where the divine feminine within you is honoured. Your senses tantalised, body pampered, and mind eased.

Tamar is an initiatress on the path of feminine embodiment & mystery teachings. Sacred sexuality facilitator, tantric bodyworker, ceremonialist & artist, she is devoted to awakening through the body, being nourished by beauty, and guiding others into a deeper connection with self, spirit & the world.

Inspired by the feminine temple arts, her work seamlessly weaves erotic and spiritual, and calls for a remembrance of our most embodied devotional essence.

She offers tantric mentorship to both men & women, supporting them to come into deeper alignment & embodiment through coaching, healing ceremony & retreats online & internationally.

She is currently based in London, UK.


About Tamar

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My signature mentorship for the woman who longs to awaken her sacred feminine energy

To deeply root into her wild oceanic essence

Return home to her body

& Remember the exquisite honour & pleasure of being



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“I’m just listening, Tamar, to ‘the difference between having sex and making love’ podcast episode, and I can’t thank you enough for how deeply you have dared to journey into your own beingness to retrieve this gold for people. You are healing so much for so many women with the work that you’re doing. Even just listening to you feels healing. You make it very safe to listen, and to entertain the possibility of experiencing something different. Thank you.”

Our bodies which carry us all the way through life are no less than miraculous. They are our vehicles to explore and experience bliss - pure heaven on earth - if we are ready to work with our compulsive mental activity & limiting beliefs of what we are capable of and start listening to what our bodies are actually saying. Our innate embodied wisdom can lift the veil of reality to a spiritual dimension and not only reveal our ecstatic potential, but also support us make better and wiser decisions in our everyday lives.